Thursday, March 24, 2016

"The Hunger Games" By Suzanne Collins

A little over a year ago I read the Hunger Games because a friend recommended it to me. I read the back of the book and I thought that the book had a pretty good plot line. I gave the book a try and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

It is a little slow start to the book but once you get into it, the book really has an enjoyable rhythm to it. It started off with Katniss meeting Peeta and then Katniss goes into the hunger games. When I first read about the actual games, I thought that they were crazy and just a full on death trap, which it technically is. The books really held my attention and I enjoyed every minute of reading the book. The second book starts with Katniss on the victory tour with Peeta and Katniss ends up getting a little “surprise” at the end. The third book was my favorite because it was full of action and introduced tons of new characters that I grew to really like. The last few chapters featured multiple cliff hangers and those were what really made me wonder why there isn’t a fourth one. I especially liked the last chapter because it made you visualize Katniss’ future and decide for yourself what is in store for her. That is why I highly recommend reading this series. 


  1. oh wow! now i really want to read the book. Keep blogging.

  2. i dont read alot of books but you should read a book called Stoneheart. its a good book.A critic is a professional who communicates an assessment and an opinion of various forms of creative works such as art, literature, music, cinema, theater, fashion, architecture and food. Critics may also take as their subject social or government policy. Critical judgments, whether derived from critical thinking or not, weigh up a range of factors, including an assessment of the extent to which the item under review achieves its purpose and its creator's intention and a knowledge of its context. They may also include a positive or negative personal response.

  3. Thanks so much for doing my request! The Hunger Games are awesome. Such a great review! The memes are so funny! Please do the Divergent Series next!

  4. Your blog is all about books...I see that. Sadly, I haven't fully read a book since last summer. Luckily, my English teacher is assigning me to do a reading log. I like the Gersberms meme because it reminds me of ho I'm not as stupid as someone else. I'm not getting into too much detail with your blog, but I really like it so far.
