Friday, March 11, 2016

"The Unknowns" By Benedict Carey

Last week I read a very interesting novel titled “The Unknowns”, written by Benedict Carey. It is about two kids that live on a trashed out island full of trailer homes. One of the biggest energy companies in the world is stationed under the island. The book has many twists and turns but finishes off with one of the best written cliff hangers that I have ever read. This is the summary from inside the book: In a trailer park called Adjacent, next to the Folsom Energy Plant, people have started to vanish, and no one seems to care. At first Lady Di and her best friend, Tom Jones, barely notice the disappearances—until their beloved math tutor, Mrs. Clarke, is abducted, too. Mrs. Clarke has left them clues in the form of math equations that lead them all over the trailer park, through hidden tunnels under “Mount Trashmore,” and into the Folsom Energy Plant itself, where Lady Di and Tom Jones and a gang of other misfits uncover the sordid truth about what’s really happening there. The book is 260 pages and all 260 pages truly succeed at capturing your interest.


  1. ooooooh thanks for the suggestion

  2. Please check my blog weekly for book reviews. I am going to review the hunger games soon.
